Maybe an odd question, so I'll unpack it a bit. Back during the time of the Michael Brown shooting, I remember hearing about how black parents often have "the talk" with their kids about the pigs. About how they aren't there to help, about how to stay safe around them, etc.

I'm white, my kids are white, and I realized I need to have my own ACAB talk with them eventually. This weekend, my older toddler said to me "the police keep us safe". I'm guessing she picked it up from day care teachers because I don't let her watch any TV that glorifies pigs and I live in a kinda reactionary area.

When she asked, I kinda fumbled and just said "not really, the police don't keep people safe". I knew that wasn't a great answer but she's little so she just sorta heard it and then moved on to her next unrelated topic. I've been thinking about it. I have some time, but at some point I need to talk to her and tell her the truth about cops.

Do you all have any advice about how to explain the reality of policing in America to white kids? I'm making that "white" qualifier for a reason. In white spaces and communities, the copanganda kids face is intense. The cops are portrayed as these kind, benevolent peacemakers who are only there to help. And frankly, the cops themselves do a great job propagandizing white kids. They make sure to have all these positive interactions with them when they're young. That's what I have to fight against. I know because that was my experience as a white kid growing up. I never really had negative interactions with cops myself. Shitting on cops was very much socially forbidden among my Mayo-American social circle. And the last mental domino to fall in me becoming a leftist was realizing how absolutely shitty cops are and their real role in the system. I really want my kids to be able to see the cops for who they are, even though I know how much of an uphill battle that's going to be for me.

  • betelgeuse [comrade/them]
    2 years ago

    I don't have kids so take this with a massive grain of salt.

    I don't think it's time just yet. If she's that young, then a lot of what you say will be too hard to understand. Also if you unintentionally sound too bitter/angry when talking about it, she might assume she's done something wrong. Just accept that you live in the kind of society where kids are taught that stuff and hold out until she's a little bit older.

    Then you can get into the history of the police. Talk to her about what police to homeless people. Kids have a lot of empathy so that's a solid, real example to grasp. Police beating up people who have nothing, taking what little they do have, etc. Start pushing the relationship between the police and protecting property.

    The racial aspect of it will probably be a little harder to get across. The best thing here is to make friends with non-white children and expose her to people who live under different circumstances. Kids will start picking stuff up from that.

    Anyways, don't get too caught up if she's not a communist at a young age. I wasn't. I don't know many people who were. You also have people like Pete Buttigeig who was steeped in that stuff and then turned into a ghoul anyways.

    • Otterr [none/use name]
      2 years ago

      That makes a lot of sense. Kids will let you know when they’re ready. Most kids are going to notice an injustice in society and when they mention it, that’s a good time to explain why that happens.