Free speech in AmeriKKKa is looking good! Americans should only rely on true, red-blooded, patriotic, and megacorporations like Microsoft and Google with their data!
Another bill that was added on was an Israel aid bill that sends Israel and the IDF a further 26.3 billion dollars.
This is so weird
It’s very common to shove several unpopular bills into one that is more popular or has better PR.
Let’s Congress sneakily avoid PR disasters while getting their way.
it's so ridiculous how that's even possible; baffling how anyone can think this country is a democracy
Amerikans are teached to be loyal, not smart.
It's super common like ComradeSalad said, but it works and it makes for super easy PR messaging too. Add some unpopular bill into a totally unrelated one. Oh you want to vote against the Ukraine war? Well, we put it in the same bill as a package for supplies for US military troops, so if you vote against it you will be comitting political suicide.
"Senator Pumpanddump voted against the America Loves Our Troops Act. Does this mean he hates our troops, you decide!"
The practice should be illegal, but so should half the things the US government does.
Yep, we call it a "rider", I learned about this in high school.