Free speech in AmeriKKKa is looking good! Americans should only rely on true, red-blooded, patriotic, and megacorporations like Microsoft and Google with their data!

Another bill that was added on was an Israel aid bill that sends Israel and the IDF a further 26.3 billion dollars.

      9 months ago

      Democrats aren't trying to win. They're doing what their ruling class constituents want and paving the lane for the Republicans to drive over.

        9 months ago


        I was just poking at libs that still fall for the "this is the most important election yet and our 'democracy' is at stake if we don't vote for Biden" nonsense.

      9 months ago

      Every liberal voter will justify this by saying the youth doesn't vote, and that it's their fault as a result. Why the youth never votes is lost on them (same with the ban not being up for vote)

        9 months ago

        The same people that say "if you vote third party, you steal votes from Biden." Not that electoralism will get us anywhere, but it's just hilarious that they believe people are obligated to only vote for blue Hitler in the name of democracksy.