Frankly, not sure where to begin with this one. Some here have already pointed out how it can easily be trained to produce racist/biased data which is a big red flag to begin with. But am I the only one thinking about how this deep-learning, AI algorithm is going to render millions obsolete at the behest of capital? As has been the case with almost everything developed under capitalism , what a marvelous discovery that will in all likelihood be used for nothing but exploitation. And do I even have to mention how our leaders are geriatric and couldn’t regulate this shit to save their lives?

Unless this is somehow made open-source (and soon), we’re fucked.

  • Owl [he/him]
    2 years ago

    None of the recent wave of AI models continue to learn after being trained. They have a training phase where they "learn" (is it actually learning? boring semantic argument), then they just kind of sit there and do what they do already.

    All the text models work on some variant of "given that the last 1000 letters of the input are X, and the last 1000 letters of my output are Y, what's the most likely next letter?" The model is huge, but nowhere near big enough to be able to memorize all the answers, so it needs to compress the information somehow. Learning words, grammatical rules, and facts about how the world works are all ways to get a more accurate "what's the next letter" in less space than memorizing everything, so a sufficiently big model starts having ways to work with those.

    People are researching where and how the heck those ideas get stored in models, but that's slower and harder and less funded than just chucking even bigger computers at training even bigger models, so we don't really know exactly how it works on the inside.

    Plumbing is really complicated btw, don't sell yourself short.