Frankly, not sure where to begin with this one. Some here have already pointed out how it can easily be trained to produce racist/biased data which is a big red flag to begin with. But am I the only one thinking about how this deep-learning, AI algorithm is going to render millions obsolete at the behest of capital? As has been the case with almost everything developed under capitalism , what a marvelous discovery that will in all likelihood be used for nothing but exploitation. And do I even have to mention how our leaders are geriatric and couldn’t regulate this shit to save their lives?

Unless this is somehow made open-source (and soon), we’re fucked.

  • xXthrowawayXx [none/use name]
    2 years ago

    Not for the reasons you’re talking about.

    Public education in the United States became important and universal because of the countries need for an educated workforce that was nominally literate.

    Chatgpt and other ai chat bot models are great at giving you the responses you asked for in a conversational format but they’re dogshit at answering questions correctly or explaining things correctly and either don’t source their responses or attach real sources that don’t actually back up what they’re saying.

    America no longer has the widespread need for an educated, literate workforce and its education system has become a credential mill for job placement.

    Under these conditions, how will the easy talking computer program that doesn’t have the answers be used?

    E: I sound like an asshole in this post, so here’s the unwritten thing: it will be used to “educate” people who are poor and in the eyes of the state only need to be able to understand spoken direction.

    The watermarks of its influence will become another class signifier, like unhealthy food, media consumption etc.

    Not because the criticisms of it and them are valid (they are), but because they are being used as tools of social control and the ruling classes will choose avoidance when the alternative is vigilance.