Frankly, not sure where to begin with this one. Some here have already pointed out how it can easily be trained to produce racist/biased data which is a big red flag to begin with. But am I the only one thinking about how this deep-learning, AI algorithm is going to render millions obsolete at the behest of capital? As has been the case with almost everything developed under capitalism , what a marvelous discovery that will in all likelihood be used for nothing but exploitation. And do I even have to mention how our leaders are geriatric and couldn’t regulate this shit to save their lives?

Unless this is somehow made open-source (and soon), we’re fucked.

  • neo [he/him]
    2 years ago

    No. It's like doing a google search query without any attestation to the veracity of the source info. Let's say it provides 75% accuracy (Is this being generous or mean? Who's to say? -- part of my point) to answers asked of it. That's actually an insanely amount of "wrong" answers being given. And so far I have seen numerous examples of it being wrong about basic things. What it's good at is being confidently wrong, at least, and will tell you with certainty that a kilo of meat weighs more than a kilo of feathers.

    There is no question that with each technological advance the capitalist will lick his lips like he's being served the largest cartoon steak in the world. So far each time that's happened the automation/advancement has displaced a lot of labor but created need for new labor, too, so it isn't quite zero-sum. Of course the forces of capital have wet dreams about creating the final technology that they can own and all else must pay rents to into perpetuity, but the current ChatGPT, and I'm sure its next several iterations, will not be that.

    In college I took an autonomous agents course and we were informally surveyed by our instructor, a PhD candidate, about what kind of AI we'll see in the future. The person least optimistic about those kinds of advances was our instructor, and over the years I have begun to agree with him more and more. That's not to say the current AI work is not impressive -- it really is.

    Now, I would be most concerned if I were a high school teacher having to grade student submissions. The temptation to cheat is probably very strong -- and I believe cheating in school hurts a lot of people. Combine that with the education setbacks from the COVID pandemic... heavy oof. Even StackOverflow has already had to implement a policy that ChatGPT responses are banned, because the work submitted is wrong enough, low quality enough, and gamified enough that using it just ends up creating a lot of chaff and noise.

    • boog [none/use name]
      2 years ago

      No. It’s like doing a google search query without any attestation to the veracity of the source info.

      So it's a Google search.