Ive noticed its has been any activity in their github for a longtime. https://github.com/dylanaraps/neofetch

There are a few more info that could be added nowadays like Display Protocol (Wayland/X11) and Display size. FastFetch does this but Neofetch is globally recognized.

Fastfetch vs Neofetch


  • umbrella@lemmy.ml
    2 months ago

    i hate always having to find out years later some software i use has been unmantained for years.

    there should at least be some sort of notification when this happens baked in to package managers

  • kixik@lemmy.ml
    2 months ago

    But neofetch tells you if wayland already:

    WM: Wayfire (Wayland)

    Actually while neofetch detects pretty well I'm using alacritty:

    Terminal: alacritty

    Probably they learned $TERM is really meaningless if using screen or tmux, but fastfetch totally misses this and mistakenly shows screen as the terminal:

    Terminal: screen

    The only thing I like of fastfetch over neofetch is that it's faster, :) And yes the display missing, but I've never considered that something of much interest for such output... To me neofetch is just fine, and on terminal it gives you a more accurate answer... In the end is a matter of taste... But what it does is well done, :)

  • Awoo [she/her]
    2 months ago

    Has the fastfetch dev ever mentioned why they use the infinity symbol? Don't want to find out later on that it's a dogwhistle.