from the passcodes-ftw dept

    5 months ago

    SCOTUS has not yet decided that a password in your brain is protected by the fifth.

    Your phone is protected by the fifth.

    Until SCOTUS decides that passwords are protected by the fifth, you can be held in contempt of court by a judge indefinitely because you forgot the password (theoretical scenario, has not yet happened).

    • Archon of the
      5 months ago

      There have been instances where judges ruled in favor of them being protected which sets a legal precedent. The SCOTUS probably won't get involved unless a major lawsuit or federal-level case occurs.

      Either way, passcodes are superior. Not sure why you're arguing this.

        5 months ago

        I take issue with the statement "passwords are protected by the fifth amendment".

        SCOTUS is not guaranteed to affirm that above statement.