Meanwhile back in reality land: China enjoys good relationships and win-win co-operation with the global majority and in addition has made itself indispensable to the western world which can complain and moan all it wants but still has to buy China's products.

Anyway here's the link if you want to bother reading this garbage:

    2 months ago

    Fuck off and jump into a volcano feet first you imperialist pieces of shit. I have seen men run over by tanks, toddlers collected in grocery bags, bodies with hands zip tied bulldozed at a hospital and a thousand other ghastly images. This isn't about me, what I mean to say is the WORLD outside of perhaps a handful of elite crackers has also seen this shit and know china isn't responsible for it.

    Sometimes I think that abu ghraib wasn't leaked as much as it was publicized to show what the empire can do without the oppressed having any recourse.