Howdy! Welcome to another week! Hope you all had a good one!

  • Quimps
    4 months ago

    I cut my foot open... again. This has rendered my ability to dad significantly impaired.

      • Quimps
        4 months ago

        Kid has been very nice about not making trouble since I sliced open my foot, but I can only barely do chores so it's putting a lot of pressure on my partner. She's... spookily good at cleaning up blood

  • Quimps
    4 months ago

    My partner is generously counting "Distracting the child while she does work" as me fulfilling my chore duty for a bit. We're gonna play video games. I'm a fucking genius.

    • erik [he/him]
      4 months ago

      I think I have the only grade school kid that's not interested in video games. Kind of a shame, was looking forward to sharing my enjoyment of the medium with him.

      • Quimps
        4 months ago

        I think you have a moral responsibility to not inflict that on your child if you can avoid it

        • erik [he/him]
          4 months ago

          Whoops, I effort posted on your joke haha

          But yeah, I probably don't need a g@mer kid!

  • RedWizard [he/him, comrade/them]
    5 months ago

    Had a good day at the Grandparents. Glad to have the warmer weather on the horizon. Was nice to hang out I the yard and just enjoy being outside for once. Getting the deck ready for hanging and chillin too. Man, fuck winter lol.

    • erik [he/him]
      4 months ago

      Getting outside is much needed. Hoping this is the summer I teach my guy to ride his bike now that the weather is more appropriate for it.

      • RedWizard [he/him, comrade/them]
        4 months ago

        Kiddo 1 has one of those balance bikes, really should go get some pads and get them out there riding. Wish I had an adult sized one haha.

        • erik [he/him]
          4 months ago

          He's a little older than that, but I wish I had done something like it when he was younger. Definitely something I will buy for my niece when she's ready for it.

  • erik [he/him]
    4 months ago

    My guy is in grade school and is a black box when it comes to what happens at school. Will claim he's forgotten everything that happens every time we ask him for any specifics about his day. Luckily, one of his teachers is actually a good friend, so we hear a bit more than a regular parent would and there's nothing troubling, I think he just doesn't like to talk about it.

    Well, on Saturday we went on a field trip with him and a handful of his classmates and I had no idea he was such a ladies man. He's mentioned he has a crush on a girl in his class, but when I was that age, a crush was like looking at her from across the room. Maybe saying something. He's got his arm around her while they look at art and she's running her hand through his hair. Seems a little young for that type of attention, but I'm not going to say anything because it was nothing truly inappropriate.