Kinda related:

Turns out "I don't like pitbulls and those kind of dogs" is a dogwhistle in yankland. Fucking everything is a dogwhistle, even the word "boy" turns out to be a dogwhistle too. Fuck dammit stop being so fucking racist.

  • came_apart_at_Kmart [he/him, comrade/them]
    2 years ago

    i've seen as many sweetheart, big baby pitties as not. nuture is king. i wouldn't get one because cops shoot them basically on sight and pretty much any dog weighing more than 10 lbs. "Cops Shot My Dog" is my personal hell / unwinnable event flag.

    a lot of people have no idea how to dog. most people can't identify associated traits, let alone breeds or mixes, which is why breed bans are basically a cock up that allows authorities to take away and even kill a perfectly well behaved pet from a broke family because it looks "scary" to some karen. i saw some white idiot claim a goofy and chubby black lab was a pitbull.

    anyway, i think all purebreds are weird af and have yet to see a boxer that didn't come across like a total doofus. admittedly, the underbite does 90% of the work, but i've not seen much cleverness in that remaining 10%. i like pariah-looking dogs. not for the city or the suburbs, but for somewhere they can have the run of the place. little jackal looking MFs that are too clever by half and seeing all the angles.