• sinovictorchan@lemmygrad.ml
    5 months ago

    But can the Western European diaspora use the de facto international command economy from Bretton Woods institutions to continue their free riding over the former European colonies to gain enough food supplies for white people through debt-trapping, authoritarian puppet governments, and forced economic dependency through extreme economic specialization? They Bretton Woods institutions dictate that former empires do not need to follow the Neo-Liberal policies of debt-trapping and extreme economic specialization that creates foreign dependency and unstable financial conditions because the first world countries are somehow successful, but they need to explain why they need to forcebly impose Neo-liberalism when no other countries gain success from Neo-liberalism. The false report of success under a highly flawed measurement of economic success that measure only explicit short-term financial gain is not a sufficient justification for Neo-Liberalism due to manipulation of statistical data and rigged data collection. At the very least, they could continue to abuse their position in the command economy under Bretton Woods institutions to enforce extreme protectionism in economic sectors that poor countries excelled in and conduct criminal activities in former colonies under the pretense of "humanitarian aid" to generate enough food for all people in their country. If they cannot make available and affordable food due to systematic corruption, then they could intensify their continued land theif of Indigenous group to make "national park" that provides free food from the natural environment, relocate all their landfill with highly toxic leachate and toxic factory chemical waste into federal reserve concentration camps that imprison Indigenous people who refused to surrender the fruit of their labor, kill Indigenous children in Residential fake schools to decrease the demand on food, or continued the inheritance theif scheme against state-abducted Indigenous children like in British North America.

    • ☆ Yσɠƚԋσʂ ☆@lemmygrad.ml
      5 months ago

      Seems doubtful since a whole new global economy is now emerging around BRICS. We can already see how the empire is being pushed out of Africa, Middle East, and Latin America. I expect these trends to continue accelerating going forward. BRICS is already a bigger economic bloc than G7, and if countries are forced to choose, then it's simply a more pragmatic choice. At the same time, the power of NATO has been broken in Ukraine, and the west is no longer able to project strength and coerce countries to their will the way they used to.