2 day run of shows out of state, small beans, but still, will have time to kill so AMA!
I know you all know what i look like and my band name now, so ill be intentionally keeping personal info as scarce as I can.
2 day run of shows out of state, small beans, but still, will have time to kill so AMA!
I know you all know what i look like and my band name now, so ill be intentionally keeping personal info as scarce as I can.
how do i join a band, im really good at drums but im older now and i dont know anybody anymore
Holy shit if you play drums you should be spoiled for people asking you to join them. Do you live in a decent size city? Go to gigs and talk to other bands, chances are some of them have side projects they could use a drummer for. Otherwise, social media has been very good to me for music related endeavors!
Seriously. I have two drummer friends that are each in 5 bands. And the guy I'm gonna ask for my project I think is in 3 already.
i keep playing with jazz/fusion people and they're all a bunch of rich spoiled assholes like 99% of the time, i want to play cool rock music, i also live in a big city.
Yeah, definitely put yourself out to local bands you like at shows, or even just email them.