I'm looking at growing more of my own food. It's slow progress but I think I can start up some small indoor potato and tomato patches in the next few weeks as practice. That's well and good; they both have plenty of uses. But I really wouldn't know what to do with any beans I may end up growing. When I think of beans I either think baked (American style, i.e., disgusting and filled with corn syrup) or refried (delicious but greasy and cause for farts).

What's a good bean recipe you like? I have no dietary restrictions. Thank you in advance <3


  • edwardligma [he/him]
    2 years ago

    i feel like all the best bean recipes are stewpot ones, just chucking a whole bunch of ingredients in a pot and letting them simmer for a while until everything is soaked with flavour. theres endless possibilities for these sorts of things, but heres a couple i make all the time that i can vouch for:

    mushroom and kidney bean coconut curry

    one and two good chili recipes (ignore the vegetarian label, its just the optional sour cream and you can get vegan sour cream at the supermarket anyway)

    • AbbysMuscles [she/her]
      2 years ago

      Aw fuck yeah I've been vaguely wanting to make my own chili for a bit now!

    • Bnova [he/him]
      2 years ago

      That curry looks amazing, I'll have to make it!