I'm looking at growing more of my own food. It's slow progress but I think I can start up some small indoor potato and tomato patches in the next few weeks as practice. That's well and good; they both have plenty of uses. But I really wouldn't know what to do with any beans I may end up growing. When I think of beans I either think baked (American style, i.e., disgusting and filled with corn syrup) or refried (delicious but greasy and cause for farts).

What's a good bean recipe you like? I have no dietary restrictions. Thank you in advance <3


  • Nephhours [he/him]
    2 years ago

    If you are lazy you can put split red lentils and rice into a rice cooker at the same time and they will cook together.

    Use vege stock instead of water and basically add the recommended amount as if it were all rice. You can add or subtract if you want it drier or gloopier.

    It's the cheapest, simplest and least complicated meal I could imagine.

    Add some hit sauce or whatever else you want for flavour