Just comparing the two.

  • FunkyStuff [he/him]
    2 months ago

    Certainly a case of us-foreign-policy

    Also worth noting, Kyle Rittenhouse crossed state lines to go murder protesters by riling them up with a rifle and shooting them once they got pissed off, so he is the quintessential example of an outside agitator.

    • Red_sun_in_the_sky@lemmy.ml
      2 months ago

      Every annoying right wing person gets twisted when anyone tells them about him crossing state lines and start yelling that's not out of intent ackshually. But the Palestine protests nah they have intent given by Iran china russia ackshually.

  • theposterformerlyknownasgood
    2 months ago

    Kyle Rittenhouse cried the most obvious crocodile tears ever cried, and for a while you were a monster if you pointed this out. People are protesting supporting a genocide is going on and people are going "Lol u mad" at them as they face literally hundreds of police officers.