Search engines are basically 90% blogspam promotion machines at this point, and the blogspam churning engine is going to become completely autonomous. The tools we're relied on for nearly three decades now are going to become a big virtual tug of war between machine-learning-guided SEO systems and machine-learning-guided ad revenue systems.

Every single anonymous interaction is going to be suspect. The next dogwhistling fucking cryptonazi groyper you run into is probably not even going to be a human being. Machine learning is probably going to elect the next US president. Eventually the medium will become so polluted that we will have to go back to doing everything in person.

Thank you for reading my doompost

  • save_vs_death [they/them]
    2 years ago

    Except we have a thing called "adversarial models" which means we have AIs that recognise if something is written by an AI, which also potentially makes the initial AI have a sparring partner to become better against, but it's why AI crap is not the top of google results right now, despite it being generable since like 5 years ago (ChatGPT is just the latest incarnation that happens to allow random plebs to make partial use of it). But if you're not Google or any other huge corp that can afford to filter all the AI shit out then yes all you said still stands, and mimics how the internet was initially ruined when marketing companies realised they can just spam everyone consequence free.

    • mittens [he/him]
      2 years ago

      Yeah but seems like everything will bog down into a game of cat and mouse. Google results may not be flooded with AI results only because SEO people haven't been able to reverse engineer the algo, not because google is super good at detecting AI. Just go to youtube to watch crypto bots having nonsense conversations with each other in pretty much EVERY comment section. AI is already killing online gaming, it will be the same thing with social networks.

      • save_vs_death [they/them]
        2 years ago

        I have my doubts SEO freaks will figure out the algorithm, they didn't do so up to now not because gooble are a bunch of mega geniouses, but because outside of some general principles they like to pretend are how the algo works, it get tweaked every week. You get to bullseye a moving target once, but then you have to do so consistently every time which is not realistic. HOWEVER, outside of this precise nitpick i completely agree that the internet how it is now will most likely get completely obliterated. A lot of websites already dumped comment sections and this is just the beginning. Everything will become much more draconic with asking for phone numbers and other things to try to verify you're a real human, and it's a losing battle, like you point out. While this might weed out individual trolls, big actors won't give a shit because they can just afford a phone number for every automated poster.

    • ElHexo
      2 months ago

      deleted by creator

      • save_vs_death [they/them]
        2 years ago

        No, we're using the game google, it's increasingly dogshit and the amount by which it gets more dogshit is becoming increasingly greater. Doesn't mean the results are AI generated though. Consider all the anecdotes floating around of writers getting being essentially fired from their job of writing articles for content mill websites, but being offered 10% of their usual rate to lightly edit articles that were written by AI, because it would otherwise get caught by the machine filters. If AI was so great why don't they just completely fire them and run the content mills automatically.

    • laziestflagellant [they/them]
      2 years ago
      1. I have a problem with my computer or have a function I don't know how to carry out.

      2. I google what I want to know

      3. I am immediately greeted by 3 pages of articles written by bots which contain either incorrect information or are advertising some sort of paid driver management application.

      4. I sigh and add 'reddit' to the end of my search query and try again

    • HumanBehaviorByBjork [any, undecided]
      2 years ago

      AI crap is literally at the top of google results right now lol. I can't search a single thing without getting something obviously auto-generated. It's gotten really bad in the last year or so.