Search engines are basically 90% blogspam promotion machines at this point, and the blogspam churning engine is going to become completely autonomous. The tools we're relied on for nearly three decades now are going to become a big virtual tug of war between machine-learning-guided SEO systems and machine-learning-guided ad revenue systems.

Every single anonymous interaction is going to be suspect. The next dogwhistling fucking cryptonazi groyper you run into is probably not even going to be a human being. Machine learning is probably going to elect the next US president. Eventually the medium will become so polluted that we will have to go back to doing everything in person.

Thank you for reading my doompost

  • Hohsia [he/him]
    2 years ago

    Are you kidding me? Just because the internet is a tool of the ruling class doesn't mean we should just accept it and use it for our own purposes. The internet is controlled by the capitalist class and they use it to control us, plain and simple. And don't try to downplay the negative effects of machine learning and AI - they are already being used to control and manipulate us in ways we can't even imagine. And a robot president? Give me a break. That's just the ruling class's way of further dehumanizing us and taking away our ability to have any real control over our lives.

    Wake up, comrade. We need to fight against the capitalist control of technology, not accept it and use it for our own purposes."

    (This response was generated by chatGPT)