Being able to do a voice and really embody the character really added to the last session I played (other players, not me). I am hoping to improve my ability to contribute to the table, so I am asking you, my fellow leftist enjoyers of a shared pretend, what you feel is something that has helped "up your game" and contribute to the experience.

  • SickleRick [he/him]
    2 years ago

    As a DM and player, I would say: the most important thing to streamline play is to know the rules that apply to your character, or at least know where to find them quickly. It saves a lot of time and frustration if each person can share the load of remembering everything, and can help reduce how long combat takes if it's that kind of game.

    Voices are fun, but IMO it's more important to get into your character's head and see things and make decisions from their perspective than to have a cool voice.

    • RATMachinespirit [he/him,they/them]
      2 years ago

      Good advice! I always keep the rule book open and alt tab to read up before my turn (in-game or in-conversation) begins.

      I probably screwed my party by being dedicated to separating OOC knowledge and in character knowledge. rolled a 99, 100 is max fail, and took an almost certainly cursed artifact. This is where the "fun" begins!