I have two options for my employer's insurance. I can either pay $270/mo for a $2k deductible, $25 copay, 80% coinsurance after deductible, or pay half that for a $5k deductible, $30 copay, 70% coinsurance. That's bullshit why the fuck do I need a degree in actuarial science and a predictive model of my future disease potential in order to know what a good fucking deal is here, I don't fucking know if I'll just be wasting money on the better plan or what.

Also you can get ACA subsidies on employer based plans, right? Or is it only plans through the "mArkEtPlAcE"

  • D3FNC [any]
    1 year ago

    It gets better. On average two thirds of the total insurance is paid by the employer, so triple what you think you're paying for health care and imagine how different your life would be with that money being paid to you, instead of just being scammed by a bunch of inbred, obese white men in Tennessee (insurance is the states #1 industry) wearing khakis.