• I'm a class traitor lolz
  • I'm rich bitch, but not rich enough to do anything useful for the working class
  • I like my treats and I cannot lie


    • structuralize_this [none/use name]
      2 years ago

      There were two suspicious discrepancies:

      1. Somebody asked something about doing "daily standups", which are basically short daily meetings with your software team. There were a few replies and "SalivaHoles" made a comment along the lines of, Apple and some other company do standups, but google and meta don't. They later they replied that they didn't have to do standups. So that would narrow it down to them being an employee of Google or Meta. The whole exchange was just generally awkward because they framed having this meeting as this binary occurrence at the company level which is just not how it works.

      2. In this sequence (https://hexbear.net/post/246860/comment/3174259), the top post asked if they worked at google and why tensorflow sucks. Tensorflow is google's "open source" machine learning framework. "SalvieHoles" responded with something like, they "work at meta and are part of the NSA". But then edited their post to remove that they work at Meta. If they work at Meta doing ML stuff, they should be aware of TensorFlow, but they might use PyTorch. So I made a sarcastic comment about them confirming they work at google and dunked on TensorFlow with some very specific examples (https://hexbear.net/post/246860/comment/3174292). They then played dumb that they don't know about tensorflow and removed their comment saying they work at meta and did some vague claim about denying they work anywhere. I told them their opsec was bad and they called me a redditor, I called them an asshole and they deleted the whole thread within 5 minutes of that comment. I personally wasn't paying enough attention to know if there were other examples, but I did read a fair amount of the thread. One of the other threads was about open source contributions and they seemed to have a very cursory understanding.

      These aren't smoking guns, but overall they didn't demonstrate a consist narrative. My basic conclusion is that the "SalviaHoles" account was roleplaying.

      Their story wasn't square at all and they were soliciting resumes and offering to help people with personal information. Their account was a day old too.

      It was a bad troll at best, and at worst somebody attempting to phish for user information.

        • structuralize_this [none/use name]
          2 years ago


          In reply to this comment:

          How long have you worked at Google? Why does tensor flow suck so hard? Is it because of you? How long have you worked for the cia?

          "SalviaHoles" wrote something like:

          I actually work at Meta. I'm not involved with the CIA, but I'm more involved with the NSA.

          Then very shortly after that post, it was edited to remove the Meta part:

          I'm not involved with the CIA, but I'm more involved with the NSA.

          I do not remember the whole sentence verbatim about the NSA, but if read literally it implied involvement with the NSA. The response could be interpreted as sarcastic, but the whole exchange was weird.