here is a thread to gush about your favourite ttrpg system
or just ones you like
come all ye system hopping comrades
(i'm a little drunk)

  • quartz242 [she/her]
    1 year ago

    Pathfinder 2e the system I've played the most, just really enjoy the world that was built as well as the 3 action system

    ICONS superpowered roleplaying is my favorite Supers system although Masks is a very close second, I love the random generation of ICONS but it breaks down for games longer than a 1-3shot where as Masks can sustain a longer system, Masks is also fantastic for capturing the Teen Titan vibe

    GUMSHOE system is my favorite for running any kind of investigation style game and can even be canabilized to work in other systems, honorable mention to the Bladerunner RPG as it takes place in one of my personal favorite fluff/world settings

    Shadowrun 5e is my gold standard for a crunchy game, I tend to like Pink Mohawk style but can be used along with some concepts in Bladerunner RPG to create a really special Black Trenchcoat style, also the Shadowrun world is probably the one I've read the most "Adventure Paths" for.

    Star Wars FFG is one I really like for Space Opera although Traveller is a very close second, the pre-built world of Star Wars is really easy to use for campaign material, also want to mention the Star Trek RPG as it has one of my favorite methods for character generation.

    Vampire: The Requiem has to be on this list as it was the very first system I ever played and will always hold a place in my heart despite the fact that I am not into running as gritty campaigns as that system tends towards.

    Even though I've never actually gotten the chance to play it, Deadlands was a huge inspiration for the ttrpg system I wrote, Realm of Bastions. Weird West is a pocket love of mine and hope that it can get some more attention in the future. Also on the list of ones that I have always wanted to play is, Lacuna: Part 1 which is a really really cool and unique concept, easiest way to describe it is like Inception the movie. Also want to mention Nobilis as the book itself is one of the best designed core rulebooks I've read and after getting into The Sandman this is the perfect system to run something akin to that,

    • KobaCumTribute [she/her]
      1 year ago

      Shadowrun 5e is my gold standard for a crunchy game

      The funniest thing is that outside chargen, which can be tool assisted with chummer 5, Shadowrun 5e is best played as like a pretty light narrative game where you just use the numbers chummer gives you. Like it has a ton of rules and tables and all but like 99% of your actions are just "do a skill check, here's a special name for it" and 99% of the modifier tables are "little contextual problem -1; normal contextual problem -2; big contextual problem -3; extreme contextual problem -4" so you can confidently wing it in a very smooth way. The only people who really need to know all the crunchy bullshit parts are the decker and GM, and even that can be streamlined if the decker actually knows what they're doing and how to minimize their rolls correctly. Even the mage doesn't need to know more than just how their own spells work, because the astral is useless in the extreme (what's there? nothing. What can you use it for? vague context-free, detail-free reconnaissance better done with a drone. What can you affect from it? literally nothing) so its rules can just be ignored completely.

    • quartz242 [she/her]
      1 year ago

      Wow I never realized how much of a nerd I am until I made this comment

    • Eris235 [undecided]
      1 year ago

      Damn, I agree with like, all your takes here. Kind of except for Starwars? Its a fine system, but I'm just not into starwars.

      But I do think its funny how much hate Vampire: the Requiem gets. Especially since I strongly agree with dumpstering the metaplot. The 'story' of OWoD is pretty neat (if also fucked up), but when I play, I like there to be no 'canon' plot, I always want there to be some kind of uncertainty. (Not to mention, I generally think oWoD mechanics are... pretty bad. Though, I do also kind of hate Chronicles of Darkness's beats system a lot, though I can choose to basically ignore it).

      • WoofWoof91 [comrade/them]
        1 year ago

        Damn, I agree with like, all your takes here. Kind of except for Starwars? Its a fine system, but I’m just not into starwars.

        if you like the system but not the setting, i can strongly recommend Genesys, it's the same system but the star wars theming is removed
        and a few tweaks that most FFGSW GMs port into the star wars system anyway