• DerPapa69@lemmy.ml
    2 months ago

    This is misinformation by the Bild (the most reactionary bullshit rag in Germany).

    In their official statement the Left talk about capping food prices in general and just names Döner as an example (there's literally one sentence about it). They also talk about capping rent prices and increasing social spending.

    It's a pretty standard and toothless statement by them, but Bild took that one sentence and made up bullshit about them wanting to subsidise Döner - RT just ran with it I guess.

    I'm not trying to defend the current state of the Left, but this is ridiculous misinformation.

    • cfgaussian@lemmygrad.ml
      2 months ago

      Thanks for the clarification. I figured it was something like this when i read it was Die Linke. Price caps on basic goods are fine but without larger policy changes this is just a bandaid. They are still just treating the symptom and not the disease. What would really help is actually having a sane policy with regards to energy and Russia to stop the deindustrialization and unavoidable inflation that comes along with that.

      • DerPapa69@lemmy.ml
        2 months ago

        Yeah, I completely agree. But I don't believe that Die LInke is the party to realise all that anymore. Neither will be BSW I think... We do have a good party in the DKP, but even if they managed to get close to 5% by some arcane miracle they would be banned faster than they could say "Wer hat uns verraten?".

        It really is dire in this country at the moment.

        • cfgaussian@lemmygrad.ml
          2 months ago

          I agree. It remains to be seen how well BSW will do in the upcoming elections but one can hope that they will at least siphon off some votes from the mainstream parties. And i like the DKP but i don't even know if they will be on the ballot in many places. I am not optimistic about the electoral situation. At the moment direct action is what is most needed. The more the state tries to crack down, the more protests and occupations we need to organize. And it needs to extend outside of the traditional protest spaces like universities and into the actual street and the workplace. As for the possibility of a ban, we shouldn't be afraid of such a scenario but we must start preparing in a timely fashion.

          Legally permitting opposition parties but regulating them is a classic tool of bourgeois dictatorship for controlling dissent and preventing radicalism. Therefore in the right circumstances a ban can be beneficial for those who want to overthrow the system as it frees a party from the shackles of "respectability" that are imposed on it in order to be allowed to legally exist and stand for election. The task of a revolutionary organization is to build the movement and its connections to the masses to the point that when the ban comes, when it is time to go underground, it will not cripple us but further radicalize both the organization itself and the general population.

  • 小莱卡@lemmygrad.ml
    2 months ago

    The state of the german economy 😂 they are increasing the military budget at this moment, where would they get money to subsidize kebabs.

    This article almost feels like an Onion article, the german left is a joke.

    • cfgaussian@lemmygrad.ml
      2 months ago

      And yes it absolutely reads like an Onion headline but sadly it's real. Instead of pushing for an end to this government's insane warmongering policies and suicidal sanctions, the "left" has been reduced to begging for fast food subsidies...it really is pathetic.

    • cfgaussian@lemmygrad.ml
      2 months ago

      Gotta keep the bread part of "bread and circuses" affordable to keep the masses docile if you want to go to war...

      • 小莱卡@lemmygrad.ml
        2 months ago

        i'd definitely prefer throwing my life away in a war than eating German food, kebabs is the only good food they have and it's not even from germany.

          • huf [he/him]
            2 months ago

            i lived with a german family for a few weeks once upon a time and i swear the woman thought salt was a hot spice, to be used sparingly...

            • cfgaussian@lemmygrad.ml
              2 months ago

              Maybe they were trying to be "health conscious". A lot of people think salt is bad for you. And they're not totally wrong, excessive consumption of anything is bad for you but the question is how you define excess.

              Some people also have medical conditions that require them to monitor their sodium intake. So sometimes when you cook for a larger group of people you might undersalt the food and just let everyone season their own portion.

              And sometimes people are just bad cooks, that is also a possibility and doesn't necessarily reflect the cuisine of the country.

              • huf [he/him]
                2 months ago

                i dont think it was a dietary thing, i think she was just an incredibly bad cook. the mayo stereotype to the tee.

                but seriously, i thought i knew what undersalted pasta tasted like (my mother's not great at this either) but jesus christ that german woman...

  • SILLY BEAN@lemmygrad.ml
    2 months ago

    okay, so this actually is really funny.

    it started out as a joke in several youth orgs, then these youth orgs printed stickers and the "Dönerpreisbremse" became a slogam against thr curent fiscal and war policy, as well as corperate over profits. It then became really popular because of how funny it is.

    • cfgaussian@lemmygrad.ml
      2 months ago

      Strictly speaking the kebab is just the meat and it's similar to Greek gyros. In this case they are referring to the whole döner sandwich which includes pita bread and vegetables. It's a popular German fast food item with Turkish roots.

        • cfgaussian@lemmygrad.ml
          2 months ago

          Basically the same thing except shawarmas sometimes have french fries in them and that's something you will never see in a proper döner.

          • الأرض ستبقى عربية@lemmygrad.ml
            2 months ago

            shawarmas sometimes have french fries

            not typically, I still remember that Syrian lady that gave me puzzled looks for wanting fries as well as toum and tahini in my shawarma.

            As far as I know Levantine/Arab Shawarma, Turkish Doner Kebab and Greek Gyro are similar in appearance and concept but still different in which meats and toppings are used and how they are prepared and served.

    • الأرض ستبقى عربية@lemmygrad.ml
      2 months ago

      Kebabs are a traditional barbequed meat from the Middle East, the word originated in Akkadian.

      Doner Kebab is a Turkish barbequed meat similar in style to Shawarma and Gyros and unlike traditional kebabs.

    • mar_k [he/him]
      2 months ago

      no the socdems are the one in charge, the "socialist" party is suggesting this