Without a family as in fully on your own since legal age, be it kicked out / had to leave at 18 or from a foster background, or from an orphanage.

  • oldfemboy@lemmy.ml
    2 months ago

    I've been homeless multiple times, thankfully never rough sleeping yet. Employers have always been an issue because the system is built around the idea of you living with the family or being able to go back to them if you fall on tough times: without that, any form of thriving is more frequently than not out of reach.

    I had to move countries multiple times purely out of necessity due to the housing crisis engulfing possibly everywhere, but you can try to hop around, it worked out temporarily for me, but the alienation due to friendship loss and language barriers are soul crushing.

    I am currently going back to a country where I speak the language of, even though it's near guaranteed I will be homeless rough sleeping there (I moved countries to avoid it, but I cannot take living where I ended up).

    People like me I knew growing up ended up with severe mental issues. Some resort to sex work, some are on government money. Some aren't with us any more...

    • oldfemboy@lemmy.ml
      2 months ago

      I was unable to finish my degree due to not being able to afford rent + food, on top of that not even having the time to learn due to shifts, many scheduled during my lecture hours in spite of getting hired for my student status for tax purposes.

  • SUPAVILLAIN@lemmygrad.ml
    2 months ago

    10 years strong. Thinking about changing my phone number; because ever since my mother spoke dirt on my name to the whole family, I never changed it. Anyone who wanted to find out what the score was could have called or texted. For ten years, they could've called or texted. Not one of them has. Not one of them has come to ask what the story was from my side. They just let her lie on my name and did no further investigation, so...

    Fuck 'em. I probably should change my number, maybe even change my name while I'm at it. Make a full severing of it.

    • oldfemboy@lemmy.ml
      2 months ago

      I had my surname changed. Changed my number recently too. Good luck with yours. :)

  • MovingThrowaway [none/use name]
    2 months ago

    Been pretty rough. Lucky to have made it this far I guess. I know a lot who've had it worse.

    But yeah it's been interesting to witness other people be able to weather the same things that put me on the street simply because they had a support group to lean on. I'm not bitter anymore, it's just a testament to how important that is. We just have much less of a barrier, if any, between us and homelessness, and the state violence that comes along with it.

    I'm only now sort of stable due to undeserved kindness from people who barely know me. Intersections of privilege made a difference too I'm sure. Definitely nothing to do with any merit or personal strength.

    Moving countries with a language barrier sounds incredibly difficult. Being a statesian that's not something I've had to deal with. Hope things go well for you!