Out of all the Anti-Chinese/Falun Gong Cult Youtube content, David Zhang is the most that has been shown in that Site, Why is this guy keep appearing on my feed man ?!

    • loathesome dongeater@lemmygrad.ml
      2 months ago

      There is also an extension called unhook that hides YouTube's terrible UI components like the front page, the recommended feed. Sadly the extension is not open source. I wonder if there is a foss extension like that.

      My recommendation in general is to not use YouTube's algorithm's at all. If you YouTube, it's impossible to not feed it as you watch videos, but don't let it recommend videos to you. Thankfully because of all sorts of social media it is easy to find videos without having to rely on YouTube's algorithm. Doing this will not only help you avoid shit videos but also dissuade you from mindless binge watching which I find destroys my last few remaining brain cells.

      On phone I only ever use NewPipe/Tubular to watch YouTube videos.

  • -6-6-6-@lemmygrad.ml
    2 months ago

    Yeah,YouTube, Facebook, Instagram; they've all become captured cesspits.

    Something I've noticed is that if you try to have a leftist comm on any platform besides for ones like these you get descended upon by a horde of reactionaries with enough lead in their blood to arm a war.

  • olgas_husband@lemmygrad.ml
    2 months ago

    if you disable view history, they remove the front page, which is a win imo.

    also I've seen people from multiple countries complaining about similar things, getting recommendations from far right media even tho they are lefties, I've watching mostly left content since 2021, now and then i get recommended far right outlet and personalities even after blocking then, while channels that i subscribe don't send notifications.

    yt and any other imperialist monopoly were always like that, but ot has gotten considerably worse lately, so something important is happening and we are not seeing it.

  • ALoafOfBread@lemmy.ml
    2 months ago

    What's up with Falun Gong anyway? I see Shen Yun ads all over the place now, which is weird, but it seems like everything I see about Falun Gong is heavily propagandized. They seem to have pretty awful beliefs and are censured by the CCP, and are maybe tied to fascist groups and are maybe a cult that believes their leader is a literal god? Anybody have trustworthy reading material?

    • Comprehensive49@lemmygrad.ml
      2 months ago

      The US uses Falun Gong as one of their many propaganda operations against China. They even gave Falun Gong their own entire town in New York to build their cult city in: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dragon_Springs

  • RedClouds@lemmygrad.ml
    2 months ago

    I use freetube on desktop and grayjay on mobile.

    Greyjay will also read from multiple sources, like patreon and nebula, and now including Bilibili, which is interesting to see content from. I think they have like a dozen sources that they are compatible with now.

    Both have had constant access to YouTube for over a year now. YouTube likes kicking off those third parties..

    Freetube will fall back to invidious instance(s) if YouTube fails to load. So even if YouTube is messing with them, you get something. You can turn that off if it gives you trouble.

    It's a pain to manage my subscriptions across two different systems. But they both read and write to newpipe subscription streams, So I can export and import between them that way. Oh, and newpipe is another option for mobile. I've had problems with them, they tend to get blocked a lot. But I haven't used them recently, they might be better now.

  • juchenecromancer@lemmygrad.ml
    2 months ago

    Two of my youtube accounts have been banned, one for posting a pro-Hamas song and another for simply having an unlisted playlist of anti-Israel music

    Edit: Why am I getting downvoted? I'm not being sarcastic, I'm lamenting about Youtube's censorship.

  • kredditacc@lemmygrad.ml
    2 months ago

    This reminds me of my younger years, YouTube kept recommending me China Uncensored. They kept feeding me anti-China propaganda, I actually believed them, that the Chinese government is somehow oppressive. But then by the sheer absurdity of their lies, I began to doubt their words.

  • Kras Mazov@lemmygrad.ml
    2 months ago

    Youtube is usually pretty good in recommending me leftist content, but every now and then some bullshit like you're describing shows up to me too, sometimes all the recommended to the side of a given video is full of right wing bullshit. I have the impression social media in general is going to shit. Twitter is full of fascists, Instagram (and Tik Tok to some extend) have some of the most vitriolic comments you'll see, and are probably being infested with fascists too.