Email and SMS and regular old snail mail are 99% trash nowadays.

When I mean trash I don't just mean spam, or the fact that every company on earth views using their service as an unlimited license to send you garbage. I'm also lamenting the fact that fucking 2FA codes fill up the same space that our boomer relatives use to send us barbecue pictures.

The brain thus becomes completely or almost completely disinterested in them. Result is, vital communications can get missed. I've found letters from my local revenue agency buried in fliers, because being told I owe the government money is exactly as important as Dell trying to sell me shitty laptops.

More and more we abandon these mediums and get corralled into shitty commercial IM platforms where service eventually degrades to the point where the pollution is just as bad, except this time it's all controlled by a singular party. See: Facebook, Discord, and I imagine things like WhatsApp as well although I've thankfully never been forced by my trash normie acquaintances to use it.

There ought to be a law! If I were in power I would make spam punishable by death! I would have Google send confirmation codes by carrier pigeon! Then I would of course have all its executives minecrafted and all its assets collectivized! I hate technology! I hate liberalism! I hate how everything has to become a fucking swamp before anyone even thinks of doing anything to clean it up! That is all