I'm writing a mostly apolitical novel scifi/fantasy/horror novel, and I was curious what ChatGPT would generate for this prompt.

  • BeamBrain [he/him]
    1 year ago

    Rewrite and expand this paragraph in the style of Ben Shapiro:
    I have a crippling addiction to World of Warcraft.

    :debate-me-debate-me: Ladies and gentlemen, let me tell you about a problem that is all too common in our society. I, like so many others, have fallen victim to the seductive lure of a virtual world. I've become enslaved to a game, a game that goes by the name of World of Warcraft. This addiction has taken hold of me, and it's threatening to consume me whole. It's a problem that's affecting millions, and yet, it's often ignored or dismissed. But I won't be silent. I won't be a passive observer in the face of this epidemic. I'll fight this addiction with all I've got, and I'll fight for others who are suffering just like me. This is a call to arms, a call to action. Together, we can defeat this monster and reclaim our lives. Don't let World of Warcraft control you, take control of it!