Cops have never seemed to like me like at all... Even as a teenager they always assumed I was trying to be passive aggressive with them whenever I'd encounter them. Even though I was trying to be polite as possible in order not to be forced to the ground and potentially beaten.

Probably because of the alternative type style I had and probably because they were pieces of shit pigs on a power trip.

  • join_the_iww [he/him]
    2 years ago

    1: Got pulled over for driving at night without my headlights on (which was fair, that was unobservant of me) and one of the two cops asked (in a leading way) if I had a mental disability. Ultimately they let me go without even a ticket so I guess it wasn’t that bad, but it was still weird. I wonder if they were trying to rile me up.

    2: this one isn’t really my encounter, but when I was in college I was walking across campus at night after working out at the gym, and saw two campus cops confronting (and I think grabbing) a black guy. They left him alone and walked off somewhere else once I was within about 100ft of them, so I didn’t really see what happened, but the black guy was clearly very annoyed by whatever just happened. I talked to him and he said he was an employee at the dining hall and had just got off work and was waiting for his ride (being picked up by his girlfriend) when the cops came up and started accusing him of, I don’t even know, loitering I guess? And they didn’t believe him when he told them he was employed at the dining hall. (To be honest, I didn’t recognize him from the dining hall either, but I don’t think he was lying about that.) His girlfriend had arrived in her car right when the confrontation with the cops was at its peak, so she got kinda spooked and drove off without him, so now he had to call her and explain what happened and wait for her to get there all over again.