Cops have never seemed to like me like at all... Even as a teenager they always assumed I was trying to be passive aggressive with them whenever I'd encounter them. Even though I was trying to be polite as possible in order not to be forced to the ground and potentially beaten.

Probably because of the alternative type style I had and probably because they were pieces of shit pigs on a power trip.

  • FourteenEyes [he/him]
    2 years ago

    As a white man :grillman: who is also a recluse I've never really been harassed by cops, but I do remember the time I went to a concert in a really rough neighborhood and I had to walk a mile or two to get back to the lot where I parked, and cops slowed down and rolled down the window to inform me this was a rough neighborhood and suggest I get an Uber, to which I replied that I had no money, and I started to ask if they could give a ride a mile down the road if they were so concerned for my safety but they had already rolled up the window and started driving away lol

    Protect and serve

    (I made it to my car fine by minding my own business and staying in well-lit areas)