I'm sorry, I'm really not in the mood right now, so excuse me if there are some grammatical errors and stuff.

So I already made a post about her, it was about her believing in a bunch of conspiracy theories, thankfully she realized how stupid it is, actually started laughing at people spewing that and eventually stopped believing about most of the stuff, but that was and is far from the main problem about her I obviously didn't even mention in that post and it's only gotten worse.

Unfortunately, she was here last night and just went away recently, we were talking about Eurovision a lot and while the only good stuff she said about it is that it's always been political and that zionists and nazis are allowed to compete and are in top 5, she then went away to complain and talk shit about the Switzerland rapper Nemo, because they were wearing a skirt and she said that they should ''dress neutral'' since they're non-binary. She then went out of her way to rant about Irish performance because of ''satanic clothing and symbolism which offends everyone, even non-ultra religious people like her'' even though she loves Ireland and Ireland always supports Palestine. She also has a habit of calling literally all the Germans and Austrians nazis when she sees something even remotely closely resembling or sounding German even something as little as a simple song or name centuries older than nazis.

Then the next stuff that happened are the most insane statements where not even libs can compare: she went from clothing and started a half an hour rant about people with different hairstyles with special colors i.e. yellow, blue, pink, green etc and said that ''in her time'' during Yugoslavia, kids weren't allowed to have different clothes and hairstyles in school or for girls to paint nails, which is most probably absolute bullshit since I never heard about it. And that in socialism kids should be forbidden in school to have unusual hairstyles, wear ''inappropriate clothes'' i.e. mini skirts, sleeveless shirts, paint nails, change hair colors in unusual blue, yellow etc etc because everyone should be equal in socialism, yes, in HER DEFINITION, BEING EQUAL IS BANNING KIDS TO CHOOSE HOW THEY'RE LOOK LIKE and that they can do that when they're adults and not in school and that she would ban it if she had power to do so. And after that went absolutely furious at the statement of my older sister(she always fights with aunt about this stuff, same now) that kids have every right to choose the hairstyle, color etc, she continued to scream and rant about it for next 20 minutes until she literally I kid you not, started to undress to ''show us how inappropriate it is when someone dresses badly''(like in swimsuit), to the point that my sister had to turn my head in other direction and take our younger brother from aunt(who's in middle school) in the other room.

She was almost kicked out of our house and would be if the younger brother(her son) wasn't here, me and my brother had to take him and go to our room to calm and distract ourselves while sister stayed with her.

Then next, she also has a habit of posting dead animals killed by stray cats she feeds, she has an unhealthy obsession with cats to the point of treating them better than other people and putting them before her own kid, she threatened her 13 year old son to kick him out and send him to live wherever with other family if he doesn't want for her to take some random stray cats in which she started calling ''her kids''. She made a litter of strays near the street (causing the complains from the neighbors because of their chickens and small dogs) and goes every day there daily for hours neglecting her kid and being late to work. On social media she posted pictures of beheaded birds, eviscerated bodies of squirrels, mice and other rodents gloating about it how her cats she doesn't even own bring it to her to the door. When my sister told her about how disgusting it is and stuff, she said that she doesn't give a single shit about them or any exterminated species by cats and that all these little animals are scum and ugly anyway and that birds should fly away when her cats attack them.

Then while talking about that she also rants about how Orcas are disgusting and should be exterminated (along with Hyenas) because they play with seals and rest of their prey and that ''even crocodiles and snakes aren't that disgusting'' and also posted a video about Cougar attacking little Bear cub while talking about how 'beautiful cougar is'. And then she goes on a rant how humans are bad and evil and kill for fun and that, she talks about it very frequently and acts like most of the humans are Ted Bundy while non-stop shitting on the new technological and medical advancements with literally anything: robots, vaccines, improved medicine, cultured meat etc. I'm sorry, of course I wasn't going to mention this in the past a few times, but this is one of the main reasons because of which I don't like cats. Next, don't even get me started about astrology, Feng Shui, superstitions etc.

I genuinely feel sorry for her because she obviously really needs help she doesn't get, also even more because my younger brother who must grow up in that household daily, the only positive thing is that he has a very good father, uncle and grandparents so they take him with them in village away from her.

I really don't know what can it be done to help her.

  • Kirbywithwhip1987@lemmygrad.ml
    5 months ago

    She's 53 and I know, we tried for like 3 or so years and she's only getting worse, it wasn't this bad before.

    Yes she really needs help asap and exactly what you said, this isn't the average reactionary, lib or whatever, these are levels of bigotry and stubbornness around worst statements and takes.

    It's seems she doesn't considering that it's only getting worse and only professionals can help her hopefully because no one can, not even her own husband and parents. The only reason she is not alone and divorced is because she has a kid, if she didn't, she would probably be left alone years ago, even now she spends most of the time alone in home when she isn't at work. We don't see her that much considering that every time we see our younger brother is when when she rarely comes for visit, we go to the grandparents in village or his father takes us to his village which happens frequently,we only see her when she comes rarely or when we go there when everyone's home. We started to avoid her just recently.