also, this is an incredible statement, they're basically moaning that China would be able to respond effectively to a nuclear first strike by the burger empire

Asian defence officials said a joint early warning system would also allow China to launch nuclear weapons upon receiving warning of an impending nuclear strike. That would mark a shift from its strategy of using nuclear weapons only in retaliation against a strike that has already occurred — a change that nuclear experts believe Beijing has long contemplated.

    5 months ago

    They really wouldn't have to set anything up after destroying our government and some key military bases. It would take decades to create any sort of industry to even begin remaking the military. Not to mention, the US power grid is so bad the feds did a study on it. They concluded that all it would take is 13 key substations being destroyed and the entire power grid of the US is down for at least 18 months. In that 18 months they estimated 80% of the population would die. There would t be anyone left to even attempt to retaliate.

        4 months ago

        Here's a couple. Apparently it's 9 locations not 13.

          4 months ago

          Thank you for sharing this and for taking the time to look for this!! It is indeed an interesting read!