Cheap, high nutrition vegan-friendly superfood.
Article summary:
- Step 1: Pick Through the Beans
- Step 2: Rinse
- Step 3: Soak, if Desired, Then Drain -- If you are using thin-skinned beans like black beans, black-eyed peas, split peas, or lentils, you can skip this step.
- Step 4: Cook With Aromatics
- Step 5: How to Know When Beans Are Done
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I must have a mutant digestive system since I seem to tolerate beans without any problems. They're one of my favorite foods so I eat them pretty frequently. Not sure which is cause or effect: If I got really bloated I'd probably like them less, but maybe they don't affect me because I eat them a lot.
It does sound like soaking rehydrates beans that are old and dried out. That makes a lot of sense. As for the dried beans you buy at the supermarket, there's no way to know how old they are.