The notion that Biden represents a lesser evil compared to the chaotic reign of Trump is a common argument. However, we must not forget that there exists a moral threshold below which neither choice is acceptable. To suggest that enabling a literal genocide can be considered a lesser evil is a morally bankrupt stance.

Saying that voting for Biden is a moral obligation to prevent the return of Trump perpetuates a dangerous fallacy. It implies that the democratic party is immune from scrutiny and accountability, no matter the atrocities they commit. This line of thinking allows for a never-ending cycle of justification, as long as there's somebody considered worse, the democrats are granted a blank check. This is nothing more than a form of gaslighting, manipulating the public into believing that their only choice is between two evils, rather than demanding a better standard of leadership and true representation.

  • Maoo [none/use name]
    5 months ago

    The first propaganda aspect of this discourse is to make you believe that who you personally vote for as an individual matters. Emphasis and focus are the most powerful tools of propaganda. When confronted with this topic by liberals you should dismiss it and change the subject to how to actually build power (not voting lol) to oppose the 98% Hitler and the 99% Hitler.

    Your vote, as in a vote by you in particular, for President doesn't matter. You are just one person and the electoral college makes even your miniscule vote almost entirely irrelevant if you live in one of ~45 non-swing states. Also your vote is anonymous, it doesn't even hold discursive value. Vote for Stalin. It literally won't matter if you're acting as one person on your own.

    You can make electoralism somewhat matter if you consider it as a mass action (mobilizing and growing your organizations, forming a disciplined bloc) or as a vehicle for exposing the masses to your positions but that's a very different thing than liberals trying to pretend that guilting you into voting for a genocidal Zionist segregationist is good political work.

    You are making other good points, some that I use as well. Liberals are stuck in myopic thinking that's handed down to them by their political class because it benefits that political class at the expense of their voters. It's always "this particular election is what matters so vote lesser evil" rather than thinking for two minutes about what it means to be a guaranteed vote whose demands can always be ignored. In fact, they even delude themselves into the exact opposite position of pretending that is the less consistent voters that will be ignored. Guess what: campaigns are going to run based on (1) donors, (2) trying to get people likely to vote for them to just vote at all and (3) trying to get swing voters in their side. Notice how none of those things include, "listen to the requests of those who always vote for us no matter what". That's a waste of limited resources. I can't emphasize enough how much contempt most politicians have for their voters.

    Anyways this myopia is exactly why you get public consent for a 98% Hitler. It's why liberals side with fascists and genocide. They're not just morally bankrupt, ignorant cowards being duped by obvious cons, they are an actual threat to us. They're the ones that turn you in when you do direct actions. They're the ones building the surveillance state. Working for military contractors. Creating bad faith propaganda against your organizing projects. Always reject their bullshit in the strongest possible terms.