• opsecisgay [they/them]
    1 year ago

    Queer spaces usually are racist and it's extremely isolating and well documented

    I am queer and yes it sucks that a lot of POC spaces are often also anti-queer

    I prefer dealing with somewhat homophobic POC people because at least they can't be racist (in the same way) and weird and chauvinistic (especially paternalistic) towards me. They can be the same kind of passively hostile that I have to deal with every day.

    If you are a POC in a queer space (almost always white dominated) you can either be a pet that has to behave or be ostracized. You can imagine the kind of disgusting liberal condescension and lecturing when you're a queer POC communist in a white queer space. I would rather deal with the feeling of being an outcast than being an outcast among outcasts.

    Outcasts take all more abuse out on you because they've received more abuse and think you are stepping out of line.

    Yes by default it's safer to assume that queer spaces will be pretty explicitly racist unless they are specifically spaces for poc.