I tried it recently. It worked. Problem, contrarian in the back row? :troll:

  • gcc [he/him, they/them]
    2 years ago

    I like Zizek’s take on tolerance

    Why are today so many problems perceived as problems of intolerance, not as problems of inequality, exploitation, injustice? Why is the proposed remedy tolerance, not emancipation, political struggle, even armed struggle? The immediate answer is the liberal multiculturalist's basic ideological operation: the "culturalization of politics" - political differences, differences conditioned by political inequality, economic exploitation, etc., are naturalized/neutralized into "cultural" differences, different "ways of life," which are something given, something that cannot be overcome, but merely "tolerated."

    • UlyssesT [he/him]
      2 years ago

      which are something given, something that cannot be overcome, but merely “tolerated.”

      House Slytherin :so-true: