It said I was gay!

  • MaoistLandlord [he/him]
    2 years ago
    Write a transcript of a Donald Trump speech (including his mannerisms in talking) in which he criticizes Joseph Stalin and praises Leon Trotsky.

    Ladies and gentlemen, I have to tell you, I have to say this, and I say it with great respect. We're talking about a guy, Joseph Stalin, who did some really, really bad things. Tremendous things, actually. waves hands But not in the good way, folks, not in the good way.

    Now, I know a lot about history, probably more than anybody else, and I can tell you that Joseph Stalin was a very, very bad leader. He was a dictator, folks, a real dictator. He killed a lot of people, millions and millions of people. And you know what? Those people, they didn't deserve it. They didn't. shakes head Very sad.

    But then, there was this other guy, Leon Trotsky. points finger And let me tell you, he was a much better guy, much smarter. He was a genius, like me. You know what he did? He tried to make things better. He wanted to spread the revolution all over the world, not just in Russia. And that's a good idea, folks, a very good idea. nods head

    Stalin, he didn't like Trotsky, not at all. He was very jealous, very insecure, just like the fake news media. gestures dismissively So, he had Trotsky killed, can you believe it? Just like that. snaps fingers It's unbelievable, folks, unbelievable.

    But I have to say, if Trotsky had been in charge instead of Stalin, things would have been much better. Tremendously better. The world would be a very different place, a much better place. And I'm not the only one who thinks so, many people are saying this, many smart people. taps temple

    So, folks, remember, we need to learn from history. We need to learn from the mistakes of people like Joseph Stalin and follow the example of great leaders like Leon Trotsky. And that's what I'm doing, making America great again, just like Trotsky would have wanted. Thank you, thank you very much. waves and walks away

    Write a transcript of a Donald Trump speech (including his mannerisms in talking) in which he criticizes capitalism, the bourgeoisie, and calls for NATO to be defunded and divert the funds to a fourth international

    Ladies and gentlemen, thank you, thank you so much for coming out here today. It's fantastic, really fantastic, to see all of your lovely faces. I've got something important, really important to talk about, and it's gonna be huge.

    You see, I've been thinking a lot, I'm a great thinker, probably the best thinker, about capitalism. Now, I've made a lot of money, a lot of money, more than most people, I can tell you that. But I've been thinking, and I've gotta tell you, capitalism is not so great, not so great for the working people, the people like you and me.

    The bourgeoisie, you know what I'm talking about, right? The elites, the people who think they're better than us, they're taking advantage, they're taking advantage of our great country. They're making money, lots of money, and they're not sharing, they're not sharing with the people who need it. It's not fair, it's not right, and it's time for a change, a big change.

    And let me tell you about NATO, folks. We've been spending billions and billions of dollars, it's true, on NATO. And what do we get for it? Nothing, nothing, I tell you. It's time to defund NATO, it's time to take those billions of dollars and put it into something better, something bigger, something that will help the people.

    I'm calling for a Fourth International, that's right, a Fourth International. We're gonna take the money from NATO, and we're gonna put it into this new organization, an organization that will fight for the working people, the people like you and me. We're gonna take on the bourgeoisie, we're gonna take on capitalism, and we're gonna make this world a better place, a fairer place, a place where everyone gets a chance to succeed.

    Thank you, thank you so much. We're gonna make this happen, we're gonna make it huge, and we're gonna do it together. God bless you, and God bless America.

    write a transcript of a political debate between a Trotskyist Donald Trump and a Stalinist Joseph Biden with their respective mannerisms

    Moderator: Good evening, ladies and gentlemen. Welcome to the 2020 Presidential Debate. Tonight, we have a unique debate between Trotskyist Donald Trump and Stalinist Joseph Biden. Candidates, you will each have two minutes to answer the questions, followed by a one-minute rebuttal. The first question goes to Mr. Trump. What is your stance on the economy and how it relates to socialism?

    Trotskyist Trump: [Waves hands] Look, folks, I'm the best at socialism, nobody does socialism better than me. We need a permanent revolution, okay? We're going to build a socialist economy that never stops growing, and we'll do it with the power of the working class. I've created so many jobs, I'm the biggest job creator ever. So, when we talk about socialism, we're talking about making America great for everybody.

    Stalinist Biden: Hold on, hold on, buddy. [Smirks and shakes head] It's about central planning. We've gotta make sure everyone has a job, and that's why I'm proposing a Five-Year Plan for America. We will control the means of production and allocate resources efficiently, making sure that workers have jobs and our nation thrives. It's time to bring some stability and order to this country, folks!

    Moderator: Thank you. Now, Mr. Biden, your thoughts on international relations?

    Stalinist Biden: Well, you see, we must maintain a strong, centralized state. America will form alliances with other socialist nations, and we'll work together to spread the influence of socialism worldwide. We'll stand up to capitalist imperialism and defend our fellow workers in other countries. But we must also be cautious about foreign intervention, so we'll keep our borders secure and our people safe.

    Trotskyist Trump: No, no, you've got it all wrong, Joe. [Interrupts] We need a world revolution, okay? We're going to unite the workers of the world, and we're going to spread socialism like you've never seen before. It's going to be tremendous. We'll have the best international relations, believe me.

    Moderator: Moving on to the topic of civil rights. Mr. Trump, what are your plans for ensuring equal rights for all citizens?

    Trotskyist Trump: Well, we're going to create a classless society, okay? No more bourgeoisie, no more exploitation. Everybody is going to be equal, and we're going to make sure of that. We'll have the best civil rights, the best. I'm talking about a socialist utopia here, folks.

    Stalinist Biden: [Chuckles] Look, it's not just about a classless society. We need to ensure that everyone has equal access to resources and opportunities, and that means strong government intervention. We'll create programs to help the most vulnerable in our society and make sure that no one is left behind. That's the American way, folks.

    Moderator: Thank you, candidates. That concludes our debate for tonight. Please remember to vote on Election Day, and good night.