It said I was gay!

  • mittens [he/him]
    2 years ago

    Ok last one, I just think it's funny how literally the prompt was taken and how completely unreadable the end result is


    Write a negative review of robocop 3 authored by Seanbaby, but every third word he sniffs a line of coke

    Robocop 3 sniff is a sniff of a sniff that sniff up its sniff nose. sniff director sniff managed to sniff a robotic sniff of crap. sniff plot, sniff to the sniff of the sniff movie, sniff so hard sniff a cocaine-fueled sniff.

    The sniff acting sniff Peter Weller sniff Robocop, sniff us with sniff emotionless sniff that sniff make you sniff for the sniff of your sniff. Supporting sniff don't sniff anything sniff the table, sniff the villains sniff as forgettable sniff.

    sniff special effects sniff laughable, sniff the stop-motion sniff a relic sniff a bygone sniff. This sniff is an sniff to the sniff of the sniff franchise, sniff it's sniff to see sniff such a sniff.

    In sniff, Robocop 3 sniff a hot sniff of garbage sniff should be sniff away sniff the rest sniff the series. sniff yourself a sniff and skip sniff train wreck sniff a film. sniff

    I lied now this is the last one pinky promise


    Title: Gerbil Dominator: A Shitty Game That Will Make You Wish You Were in a Steven Seagal Movie Instead

    Gerbil Dominator, the newest fucking disgrace in the world of gaming, makes me wonder if the developers were trapped in a basement during 9/11 and chose to create this piece of shit as a coping mechanism. You'd think that 20 years would have removed the trauma from their brains, but no, they decided to unleash this disaster upon us instead.

    The game mechanics are as illogical and frustrating as a Steven Seagal movie where he rips someone's arms off but somehow still gets his ass kicked. You control a steroid-infused gerbil on a mission to dominate the world by running in a wheel and launching itself at enemies. Seriously, who the fuck thought this was a good idea? The gerbil's massive biceps and triceps are only matched by its utter lack of any fucking intelligence.

    As you progress through this dumpster fire of a game, you realize that it's not just an insult to your intelligence, it's also a fucking health hazard. The graphics are a nauseating mix of 8-bit garbage and low-res images that will make your eyes bleed, as if you're staring directly into the sun. The music is a cacophony of random sounds that even a deaf person would find offensive.

    But the worst part is the goddamn controller. This piece of shit looks like it was designed by someone with no hands and a deep hatred for ergonomics. You'll find yourself jamming your fingers into awkward angles and mashing buttons that don't even do anything. After a few hours of this torture, you'll start to develop carpal tunnel syndrome and a deep, burning hatred for the sadistic fucks who made this game.

    In conclusion, Gerbil Dominator is a fucking abomination that makes you wish you were trapped in a Steven Seagal movie where he rips people's arms off, because at least then you'd have the sweet release of death to look forward to. Don't waste your money or your sanity on this pathetic excuse for a game. It's not even worth using as a coaster for your drink.