It said I was gay!

  • WoofWoof91 [comrade/them]
    2 years ago

    prompt: write a scene from star wars but luke skywalker is actually stalin



    The control room is filled with the hum of machines and the chatter of Imperial officers. Darth Vader stands near the window, looking out at the vastness of space. The door slides open, revealing STALIN SKYWALKER, dressed in a worn, brown robe.

    STALIN SKYWALKER: (calmly) Greetings, comrade Vader. I have come to put an end to your oppressive regime.

    DARTH VADER: (turns to face him) Ah, young Skywalker. I have been expecting you. You no longer need to search for your destiny, as it lies here with me.

    STALIN SKYWALKER: (smirks) My destiny is with the people, not with the likes of you. The proletariat shall rise and bring balance to the galaxy.

    Stalin ignites his red lightsaber, its crimson glow illuminating the room. Vader activates his own weapon, and the two adversaries engage in a fierce duel.

    DARTH VADER: (taunting) Your faith in the power of the collective is your weakness.

    STALIN SKYWALKER: (determined) And your faith in your oppressive Empire is yours.

    The battle intensifies, their lightsabers clashing in a deadly dance. Stalin gains the upper hand and corners Vader near the window.

    STALIN SKYWALKER: (grimly) This is the end for you, my old enemy.

    DARTH VADER: (gasping) You could join me, Skywalker. Together, we could rule the galaxy and bring order to the chaos.

    STALIN SKYWALKER: (shakes his head) I shall never join you. The people will rise, and your Empire will fall.

    With one final swing, Stalin disarms Vader and holds his lightsaber to his throat.

    STALIN SKYWALKER: (whispers) For the people.

    Stalin delivers the final blow, ending Darth Vader's reign of terror. The Death Star trembles as the Rebel Alliance continues their assault. The galaxy is one step closer to liberation from the Empire's grasp.

    not too bad lmao

    prompt: write a scene from an erotic novel about gay werewolves


    Title: Moonlit Desire

    Chapter Three: A Feral Passion

    In the dense, moonlit forest, two muscular figures stood facing each other, their eyes locked, and their breaths heavy with anticipation. Ethan, a ruggedly handsome man with piercing blue eyes and dark, tousled hair, stood shirtless, his tanned muscles glistening in the pale light. His heart raced, as he felt the pull of the full moon above.

    Across from him, Damien, a tall, dark, and enigmatic man with smoldering green eyes and a chiseled jaw, stood equally exposed. A wicked grin played on his lips, as he took in the sight of Ethan, a man who had captured his heart and ignited a fire within him that he had never experienced before.

    As the full moon reached its peak, an electric charge filled the air. Damien suddenly doubled over, a guttural growl escaping his lips. Ethan watched, both terrified and captivated, as Damien's body began to transform. His muscles rippled, his bones cracked and shifted, and dark, thick fur sprouted across his skin.

    Before Ethan's eyes, Damien became a powerful, majestic werewolf, his green eyes still burning with the same intensity as before. Instinctively, Ethan felt the change within himself, too. He gasped, as his body similarly contorted, and he too became a werewolf, the two of them now part of a supernatural world that they could never have imagined.

    Their eyes met once again, and they growled lowly, a primal need surging through them. As werewolves, their desires were amplified, and the passion between them was now impossible to contain. They moved closer, their muscular, furry bodies brushing against each other, the sensation sending shivers down their spines.

    Under the watchful gaze of the full moon, they began to explore each other's transformed bodies, their touch gentle yet urgent. Their lips met in a fierce and tender kiss, as they surrendered to the all-consuming desire that had brought them to this moment.

    In the depths of the forest, their passion echoed through the night, a testament to the unbreakable bond between them. For they were more than just two men, more than just two werewolves; they were soulmates, destined to be together for all eternity.

    And as the moon cast its silver glow upon them, they vowed to love, honor, and protect each other, through every phase of their lives and beyond. For their love was as powerful and eternal as the moon that had brought them together, and nothing could ever tear them apart.


    prompt: write a scene from an isekai anime where lenin is the main character


    Title: Lenin in Another World

    Scene: A mysterious forest in a magical world

    Lenin, a young man with a distinctive beard, finds himself suddenly transported to a magical world filled with mythical creatures and incredible landscapes. He stands in the middle of a mysterious forest, surrounded by tall, ancient trees covered in vines and moss.

    Lenin (confused): Where am I? What is this place?

    Suddenly, a group of goblins appears from the shadows, their eyes gleaming with mischievous intent. Lenin, sensing danger, prepares for a confrontation.

    Goblin Leader (grinning): Hehehe, a human! We don't see many of those around here. Let's have some fun with him!

    As the goblins charge towards Lenin, he raises his fist and shouts a command.

    Lenin (determined): Proletariat, rise up and defend me!

    From the ground, an army of ethereal workers manifests, wielding hammers and sickles. They charge at the goblins, driving them back and protecting Lenin.

    Goblin Leader (frightened): What is this sorcery?!

    Lenin (smirking): This is the power of the working class, united in struggle!

    The goblin leader, defeated and humiliated, retreats with his remaining followers. As the ethereal workers dissipate, a small, magical creature with wings, resembling a flying cat, appears before Lenin.

    Magical Creature (smiling): Greetings, Lenin! I am Mewski, your guide in this world. You have been summoned here to help us defeat the evil overlord who oppresses the inhabitants of this land.

    Lenin (nodding): If it is a fight against tyranny and oppression they need, then I shall lend them my strength. Together, we shall build a just and equal society in this magical world!

    With Mewski as his guide, Lenin embarks on a grand adventure to free the inhabitants of this magical world from the shackles of oppression, all the while discovering his newfound powers and the true meaning of unity.

    [End Scene]

    i need this taken off me lol

    • commiecapybara [he/him, e/em/eir]
      2 years ago

      As the ethereal workers dissipate, a small, magical creature with wings, resembling a flying cat, appears before Lenin.

      Literal tears. Someone please make this an actual comic.