After checking this website and other, I have found that these claims come from Radio Free Asia and others citing these so I am not sure. Haven't found good sources talking about this.


The election result in Iran for a new president is a grim reminder that ultra-conservative Shia power concentration is in full swing. This concerns the new president being linked to the mass executions of 1988. These executions exceeded several thousands of people – some site tens of thousands – when the Iranian ultra-conservative clergy sought to crush all dissent. Hence, the electoral success of Ebrahim Raisi is bound to raise questions internationally.

Is this true or can I safely dismiss it?

    5 months ago

    The communists we should be mourning are the ones of the Tudeh party which were indeed executed by the Islamic government, although I'm not sure how much of a hand Raisi had in that. He is much more known for executions of MEK, which is not a communist group and is rather a US and Israeli-backed organization which has no real ideology other than opposing the IRI.