This is always the most fun parts of games for me. Freeing slaves in Morrowind, destroying the legion in NV, it just feels good. Please provide me with your recommendations on where I can :JB-shining-aggro: , thank you :fidel-salute:

  • SexMachineStalin [comrade/them]
    1 year ago

    All 3 of the raider gangs in Fallout 4's Nuka World DLC utilize slave labour. You become the ruler of the Nuka World theme park and engage in a slight amount of :JB-shining-aggro::troll:

    Death to America

    PS. Anyone who sides with any of the raider gangs gets the :stalin-gun-1::stalin-gun-2:

    • Sator_is_Tense [comrade/them]
      1 year ago

      my first (and so far only) playthrough of nuka world i did the main questline so i could, you know, actually experience the main story of the whole dlc. later in the story i found out that this meant i had permanently and unalterably sided with The Raiders(TM) and i would have to betray and destroy my own fucking settlements in the commonwealth. i just wanted to experience the fucking story, TODD!

    • Frank [he/him, he/him]
      1 year ago

      The first time I went to Nuka World I thought "Fuck these people" and started shooting. Then I realized there was no actual content if you wiped out the slavers. Just an empty DLC. So I re-loaded the DLC, re-did the whole DLC until the moment you become king, then said "Fuck these people" and wiped them out while laughing maniacally at their utterly futile efforts to stop me.