The Murdock entertainment conglomerate has been poisoning "entitlement" for a good while. Fox's "entitled welfare queens" shtick has been going on since Clinton was in office.
Maybe I'm conflating two different media pushes. I do remember Fox calling Americans entitled when Obama was in office, and it got picked up in general -- "you young kids are so entitled these days" kinda stuff
I stopped playing after the first one because I thought the "Evil AI decide to destroy all humans for no reason" plot was cliched beyond justification and I was pissed that the story made me kill Wrex for some convoluted bullshit "hard choices" reason that caught me completely off guard. Like bruh I would have cheerfully railgunned the little mengele frog dudes from orbit so my buddy could have kids what the actual fuck why did you make a game with like three different Great Replacement plots?
I just don't have any patience for it. There's a whole side-quest where an AI on the moon wakes up, realizes that it will be murdered for hte crime of existing, then kills some people and steals a bunch of money in the process of smuggling itself off Luna to try to hide out somewhere and I was just like "Well yeah, seems reasonable considering" but fascist space supercop Shepard was supposed to give a shit or something.
People get mad at me sometimes and are like "But they ret-con it later!" and I'm like "Bro I gave the story like 70 hours and the last 30 was just perverse curiosity to see if they'd do anything intersting. I gave them a fair shake I don't care what happened in the sequels".
i think the assertion that the internet video game reviewer prompted a sea-change in the popular meaning of a word needs a bit more defence than this
i dont have the time to go digging through william buckley jr's backlog but it beggars disbelief that conservatives wouldn't think to slander the word being used for social programs they've been pissed off about since the 30s until the gamer man told them to