Chinese people believe that letters are as valuable as gold. For thousands of years, letters, across mountains and oceans, have been delivering the writers' sentiments and conveying friendship and expectations.

Xi Jinping, general secretary of the Communist Party of China (CPC) Central Committee and Chinese president, has managed to find time to reply to some letters from different sectors of the society and different parts of the world despite of his busy work schedule.

Through his letters, Xi has corresponded with international friends from all walks of life on numerous occasions, part of a series of excellent stories of China's international exchanges in the new era. The letters have also added vivid colors to the diplomacy between China and other countries.

The Global Times traced and contacted some of the recipients of Xi's letters, to hear the inspiring stories behind the letters and their communications with the Chinese president.


  • Avanash [they/them]
    1 year ago
    The original letter

    We are high school students from Chicago. Our school is Niles North High School in Illinois state in the United States. As we are studying Chinese now, we would like to write to you in Chinese.

    We like speaking Chinese, and we like our Chinese teacher. We like writing Chinese characters and having Chinese food. We like to say 'great,' 'I love you,' 'friend,' 'come on,' 'just so-so,' 'hamburger,' and 'tired' (in Chinese). We all love music. But none of us like doing homework.

    Do you like listening to American music? China is very big and beautiful. We want to go to China to take a look. We think you are a good person, and handsome, too. We look forward to your reply.

    The reply (mostly summarized)

    About two months later, the students were entirely surprised to receive a reply from Xi. The letter arrived in Chinese version accompanied by an English translation.

    In his reply letter to the students, Xi thanked them for their letter, saying he feels their love for the Chinese language and their interest in Chinese culture.

    Studying Chinese helps better understand China, make more Chinese friends, and also make many friends who can speak Chinese across the world, Xi said in the letter.

    He praised the students' neat writing and correct wording in Chinese, and encouraged them to continue the efforts to achieve greater progress in Chinese language learning.

    "I have visited the US for many times, and was deeply impressed by the beautiful scenery, hospitable people and diverse culture there. I have also made many American friends, including young friends," the president said in his response to students' interest in his personal life.

    "My job is to serve the people. It is very tiring, but also very fulfilling," he added.

    The Chinese president said he has a keen interest in philosophy, history, literature, culture, music, and sports, among others, adding that many of his hobbies have been kept since his middle school years.

    Calling the young generation the future of the China-US friendship, Xi said he hoped that the students will cherish their youth, study hard, and make contributions to promoting friendship between the Chinese and American peoples.

    Noting that it is better to see something once than to hear about it a hundred times, the president welcomed the students to visit China.

    • Shoegazer [he/him]
      1 year ago

      Furthermore, President Xi told students that his favorite American show was “Seinfeld,” and that they “probably don’t know what that is.” He went on to talk about his favorite artists from the US, including Eminem, Elvis Presley, and Taylor Swift.


    • blobjim [he/him]
      1 year ago

      wow didn't even thank them for calling him handsome.