I took a bunch of stuff from work that was gonna get recycled including a decent laptop and a flash drive. I work in network admin and IT if that narrows it down. Never used Linux before though.

Edit: Thanks everyone! I'm down for some problem solving so I think I'm gonna go the Arch/Manjaro direction so I can learn my way around Linux generally.

  • Huitzilopochtli [they/them]
    1 year ago

    Under communism, all CISC CPUs will be destroyed and their creators will be sent to the gulag.

    Hell yes.

    When I did something similar it was on a PowerPC machine I found at a thrift store in Mexico city, and PPC is at least a lot nicer to work with on account of Open Firmware being nicer to use and supporting things like loading from a filesystem.

    I also just get pain from looking at x86 assembly in a way that's even worse than other CISC architectures like 68k.