How do I word this without sounding like a dick?

Have you watched how people walk? They shamble, they stand on escalators (not the idea, folks!) and so on. These people drive. They look at their phones as they drive. They speed. Many of them are passively suicidal.

I'm not the only person I know who has crashed a car on a kind of death wish in the past. How the fuck are cars legal? Should be as bureaucratic to drive a car as it is to fly a plane.

E: oh and by the way, people cross the street to avoid cigarette smoke. Fair enough but like, are you fucking kidding me?

  • please_just_stop [comrade/them]
    1 year ago

    I'm going to go somewhere where I don't have to deal with cars so much. Fuck living this way. I've got a scheme to live rather cheaply in the CBD in Melbourne/Sydney. I'll give it away to certain people when I'm shot of this place.

    Not yet put it into action myself but it's the only way I'd stay. There's also going parasite mode. Had a mate who lived at his girlfriend's parents' place rent free. But fuck that.