Title, basically. My GPU is relatively "new" (3-4 years old) and unfortunately I seem to have gotten the short end of the stick back in 2021, when I ordered my desktop pc. Warranty is ofc long gone, however I found someone selling a deadstock (!) one for roughly 280 euros through a local fb group. I can cover 40 bucks myself but am 240 short and need to replace it asap, this pc is my workstation (for school/internship). The dying gpu in question is a rtx 2070 super, was having issues with 3D render for a while but things were working ok, 2 months ago I started getting BAD artifacts followed by extremely loud fan noise and black screen. Artifacts are everywhere, even in BIOS, and as I type this theres like, 2 thick bands of pixels accross my screen with fucked up colors. Tested my screen with a friends PC and it works fine on his machine, so the GPU def is dying, any 3D render I try makes my PC black screen. This is really, really bad because my CPU doesnt have integrated graphics so without a graphics card my PC is useless, for now I'm running renders through a friend's laptop but its a temporary solution...

The timing is awful as I currently have no income appart from state aid, and 40 bucks is all I have after paying rent+groceries, as for my internship, its one of those work for free schemes often found in the 3D/concept art industry. Any amount will help, I also have rich friends who might pitch in, idk how to handle this tbh, dms are open but its quite late so I might only answer tomorrow. basically if i get 200 bucks i can prob borrow the rest of a friend and get the replacement gpu, seller is very nice and has agreed to hold it for me for a week. I dont have a paypal or anything but I can set one up quickly if needed. hopefully i can pay you guys back over time, I'm just in a big fucking pinch right now and i feel so stupid for not trouble shooting my pc earlier, really living up to my username huh...

FIXED thanks to @plinky@hexbear.net 's great tips!!! I dont have to fork out a ridiculous amount of money for the forseeable future this is such a good com!

  • plinky [he/him]
    28 days ago

    have you tried re-pasting it? meow-hug (and using different hdmi port, it sounds suspiciously like dying port + overheating)

      • plinky [he/him]
        28 days ago

        they would tell you that though. try putting it in a fridge (if you are in dry place!), and check artifacts in bios while its cold. It could also be that bga started to desolder, then you have baking yolo try as well.

          • plinky [he/him]
            28 days ago

            its when you cook/heat gun card in foil so that chip will resolder (bga is a type of solderwork) to the board via gravity - its a little risky, and low chance of success, but if you would trash it anyways shrug-outta-hecks . But definitely try different ports with new paste, its much cheaper and safe-ish

              • MattsAlt [comrade/them]
                28 days ago

                I would recommend looking into baking, but do not do this in your food oven, lots of toxic gasses can be released. See if you can find an old toaster oven as students leave school. This has fixed a few cards in my circle of friends and buildapc has even more success stories

                Sometimes this lasts long term, but usually it is a few months stop gap to save up for a replacement

            • CarbonScored [any]
              27 days ago

              Definitely fixed a fair few items with foil and an oven. Actually of the three or four things I've done as a last resort over the years, I think I've had a 100% success rate.

              As you say, if it's getting trashed otherwise anyway, attempt DIY on that thing into the ground.

    • VOLCEL_POLICE [it/its]B
      28 days ago



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