The European Parliament elections are tomorrow* and there’s nobody to vote for. (technically e-voting and pre-voting started on monday, but I always vote on the „correct“ day)

The only mainstream party that doesn’t want war with Russia (or says it doesn’t) is EKRE. However, I don’t want to vote for them. Not only are they very conservative but recently their MEP Jaak Madison was accused of sexually harassing someone.

Another option is KOOS. They, too, are socially conservative but they are the only anti-NATO party. Not much point in voting for them though, polls show KOOS will get less than 2% of votes.

I probably shouldn’t vote at all. Not only is my vote worthless but we only have 7 seats in the European Parliament so it doesn’t matter anyway. I know that bourgeois elections are mostly pointless, it just sucks to see how little my opinion matters.

Sorry, this is mostly a vent post with some links to give y'all context (not very good sources), I just feel alone and nobody IRL understands.

  • Definitely vote, just vote for whatever the closest thing to a revolutionary party that you can, even if that party is only going to get like 2%, revolution won’t happen via the voting box but there’s a reason that the CIA tries to subvert these parties.

    Social democrats can “win” sometimes but their advances are fleeting, look at Sweden, Netherlands, and France to see how quickly their gains can be undone. Hell, even Labour in Britain and the Democratic Party in the US were somewhat respectable social democratic parties in the earlier to mid 20th century. However why would they work to shut down CPUSA (before it was co-opted)? Because it can serve as a barometer for revolutionary sentiment.