A while back I had a few spare onions so I made onion jam with them. Now I can't stop. I keep putting it on everything; it's taking over my life.

Anyways, here's the recipe:

  • Peel 4 onions (or more), slice & dice as much as you can be bothered to
  • Add 2 tbsp oil to a pan, set to low heat and add onions. Add generous pinch of salt and stir.
  • Boring part: caramelise for 30 mins, stir regularly, add a little water as and when the onions start to catch or blacken
  • Mix together 2 tbsp brown sugar with 2 tbsp balsamic vinegar and add to onions - stir and reduce for 5 mins
  • You should have a jammy, spreadable consistency. Take off the heat and serve as hot condiment, or store in the fridge and use later as a cold condiment. Smear it all over yourself if you so desire.
  • Lasts about a week refrigerated, if you can even leave it that long.

I've been using it on homemade burgers, pizzas and italian subs - gimme suggestions cause I'm just gonna keep making the stuff indefinitely, or until I get sick of it.