Italy has already elected a far right government that endorses fascist rallies

AfD is making record gains in Germany

National Rally are poised to win elections in France

    22 days ago

    That is an interesting coincidence, because from 1933–1974 Portugal was a parafascist régime: people have claimed that the head of state was no fan of Adolf Schicklgruber, and the régime did indeed arrest some fascists for basically being too radical, yet it also offered the arrestees jobs, and it was one of the Third Reich’s biggest traders. That a ‘moderate’ right‐wing party would take power in Portugal once again is odd, yet fitting.

      22 days ago

      Portugal’s dictatorship was incredibly weird with regard to its relationship with other fascists at the time. The Carnation Revolution was almost a turning point but that got hijacked real quick, plus it’s legacy has been whitewashed (at least from what I could gather on the news coverage of the April 25th celebrations).

      Portugal really lives up to “saudade.”