This was a comment I posted in another community, but I'm copying and pasting it here because it's an idea I've been thinking about for a while:

What I’d love – and I know this sounds like a bad joke, but bear with me here – is an app that takes classic works of theory, divides them up into readable chunks, maybe gives you a quiz after each chunk to test your comprehension, and keeps track of your progress. You could earn streaks by reading a few pages each day. Maybe it arranges texts so that it starts with the easy stuff to introduce you to concepts (e.g. start with the Manifesto, maybe some Lenin), then gradually introduces more difficult readings over time. You could have a cartoon mascot with a Karl Marx beard to give you reminder notifications every day, like the Duolingo owl.

Is there anything that exists that resembles this, or gives us some idea of what this would look like? I'm just starting to learn how to use Android Studio, but this seems like the kind of thing that would be relatively doable.