A very good friend of mine has been in a really bad way for a while now and I just thought I'd post something about her situation in case any of y'all might be able to help her out at all.

Basically her husband has had his mental health disintegrate and he refuses to go to therapy or manage it. He's bipolar as fuck and every manic episode gets taken out on her in some screaming fit. A few months ago he got violent with her in front of her kids. I don't think it's the first time but after that she's started to make steps to extricate herself from this situation.

The problem is she doesn't have enough money, or enough income (she needs a house or at least somewhere with 3 bedrooms and the bank tells her her income isn't high enough for a mortgage). She's also struggling right now just with childcare, like, she has a job but had to stay home today because nobody would watch her kids... it's really tough.

She's currently living with her brother and sister in law, so, her shitty husband's family. They seem to support her enough that she's not on the streets but it's very tenuous. Her husband is very manipulative and sometimes swings their opinion back against her, even though they know he's a piece of shit. Thankfully he doesn't live with them but, he's around. And might be getting kicked out of his situation soon, at which point he might be moving in.

I know some of y'all probably don't like me because I'm kind of an asshole but please believe me when I say this person is wonderful, she's struggling so hard trying to take care of herself and her kids, and she really deserves better. She's so kind and giving and is the kind of person who would thank the fucking universe for any assistance she gets and pay it forward 10000x when she can.

She's also an anarchist and just really kicks ass. So. If you're able to help, please don't withhold aid because I'm a dick.

She told me her cashapp is https://cash.app/$hmm223 but it's giving me a 404 error so idk. I don't use cashapp. If it looks like there's a problem with it please let me know so I can tell her.

Edit: someone PMed me saying they sent her a small amount and her name came up. She removed her name but the important thing is it looks like that cashtag thing works!

Thank you all for reading and for any assistance you might be willing to provide her

  • GorbinOutOverHere [comrade/them]
    1 year ago

    Yeah like whatever you'd want to give her I'll pass on to her, just PM me, and thank you for the offer, it's really appreciated.